City of Durand Department of Public Works
501 Kent Street Durand, MI

100_6280Winter Parking Restrictions End for the Season April 1

Each year from December 1st through March 31st parking is not permitted on any city street between the hours of 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM. This restriction allows city crews to more efficiently plow our streets. We also request that motorists do not park on the street during any heavy snowfall. Durand residents may apply for a winter on street parking permit at Durand City Hall.

dumptruck2Brush and Leaf Pick-Up

Waste Management's brush and yard waste collection program begins annually the first week of April. Brush is collected on regular trash days, April through November.  Brush may be placed curbside no earlier than Sunday. All yard waste should be contained in yard waste bags or in a trash container clearly labeled "Yard Waste". Please do not obstruct the sidewalk or the street with brush. 

Brush drop off is also available Monday through Friday from 8 AM - 11 AM & 1 PM - 3 PM at the City of Durand Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 4910 S. Durand Rd, from April through November. Following heavy storms or as needed for emergency purposes the City of Durand will offer curbside pick-up for large debris so long as it is cut and bundled to a length of 6 feet or less. Please contact City Hall for special large debris pick-up if needed.